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Revealing the Enigma: Jacques Vallee - The Best Kept Secret in the World of UFO Research

Revealing the Enigma: Jacques Vallee - The Best Kept Secret in the World of UFO Research

Discover the fascinating life and work of Jacques Vallee, the legendary UFO researcher and computer scientist who was decades ahead of his time.

Jacques Vallee is a name that may not be familiar to many people, but his work has had a profound impact on the way we view UFOs and unexplained phenomena. While his name may not be as well-known as other researchers in the field, he is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential figures in the study of UFOs and related phenomena.

Vallee's work spans over five decades and includes numerous books, articles, and lectures on the subject of UFOs. He has been involved in some of the most high-profile cases in the field, and his research has led him to some startling conclusions about the nature of these mysterious phenomena.

One of the things that sets Vallee apart from other researchers in the field is his approach to the subject matter. Rather than simply trying to prove or disprove the existence of UFOs, Vallee has taken a more nuanced and holistic approach. He has looked at the cultural, social, and psychological factors that contribute to our fascination with these phenomena, and has explored the ways in which they are intertwined with our beliefs, fears, and aspirations.

Another aspect of Vallee's work that sets him apart is his willingness to consider unconventional explanations for UFO sightings and encounters. While many researchers in the field focus solely on the extraterrestrial hypothesis, Vallee has explored a wide range of possibilities, including time travel, interdimensional beings, and even psychic phenomena. This open-mindedness has allowed him to uncover new insights and connections that others may have overlooked.

Despite his groundbreaking work, Vallee remains relatively unknown outside of UFO research circles. This is partly due to his own reluctance to seek publicity, but it is also a reflection of the fact that his ideas challenge many of the preconceptions and assumptions that people have about UFOs and related phenomena.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Vallee's work is his exploration of the ways in which UFO sightings and encounters are often shaped by the cultural and historical context in which they occur. He has shown how UFO sightings have been influenced by everything from religious beliefs to political ideologies, and how they have been used to promote various agendas and worldviews.

Vallee's research has also shed light on some of the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to our fascination with UFOs and related phenomena. He has explored the role that fear, curiosity, and a desire for transcendence play in shaping our perceptions of these mysterious events.

Another important aspect of Vallee's work is his exploration of the ways in which UFO sightings and encounters are often intertwined with other paranormal phenomena, such as ghosts, poltergeists, and psychic experiences. He has shown how these seemingly disparate phenomena are connected by a common thread of mystery and intrigue, and how they can provide new insights into the nature of reality itself.

Vallee's work is also notable for its emphasis on the importance of rigorous scientific investigation and analysis. He has argued that the study of UFOs and related phenomena must be grounded in sound scientific principles, and that researchers must be willing to approach the subject matter with objectivity and skepticism.

In conclusion, Jacques Vallee's work represents one of the best-kept secrets in the field of UFO research. His groundbreaking ideas and insights have challenged many of our preconceptions about these mysterious phenomena, and have opened up new avenues of inquiry and exploration. Whether you are a die-hard UFO enthusiast or simply someone who is interested in the mysteries of the universe, Vallee's work is well worth exploring.

The Enigmatic Jacques Vallee

Jacques Vallee is a name that may not be familiar to many people, but to those who are curious about the unknown, unexplained, and mysterious, he is a legend. Born in France in 1939, Vallee is an accomplished computer scientist, astrophysicist, and author. However, it is his work on the UFO phenomenon that has earned him a reputation as one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures in the field of ufology.

The Early Years

Vallee's interest in science began at an early age. He earned a degree in mathematics from the Sorbonne in Paris and went on to receive a Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Lille. In the early 1960s, he moved to the United States and worked as a research associate at the University of Texas. It was during this time that he became interested in the UFO phenomenon.

UFO Research

In the mid-1960s, Vallee began researching UFO sightings and encounters. He quickly became disillusioned with the way the subject was being handled by mainstream ufologists, who he felt were too quick to accept extraterrestrial explanations for what could be more complex phenomena. Vallee believed that the UFO phenomenon was not just a matter of nuts-and-bolts spacecraft from other planets, but something far stranger and more elusive.

The Control System

Vallee's research led him to develop the concept of the control system. He believed that the UFO phenomenon was not simply a series of random events, but part of a larger pattern of manipulation and deception. The control system, according to Vallee, was an intelligence that was using the UFO phenomenon to manipulate and control human beings.

The Messengers of Deception

In 1979, Vallee published a book called Messengers of Deception, which laid out his theories about the control system and the UFO phenomenon. The book was controversial, to say the least, and was not well-received by many in the ufology community. However, it has since become a classic in the field and is considered essential reading for anyone interested in the subject.

Working with J. Allen Hynek

Vallee's work on the UFO phenomenon brought him into contact with J. Allen Hynek, another prominent figure in the field. Hynek was a skeptic who had initially been hired by the United States Air Force to investigate UFO sightings. However, he eventually became convinced that there was something to the phenomenon and went on to become one of the most respected ufologists of his time.

The Close Encounter Classification System

Vallee and Hynek worked together to develop a classification system for close encounters with UFOs. The system, known as the Hynek-Vallee classification system, is still used today and is based on factors such as the length of the sighting, the distance between the witness and the object, and the behavior of the object.

More Than Just UFOs

Vallee's interests have gone beyond just the UFO phenomenon. He has written extensively on topics such as parapsychology, cryptozoology, and the nature of consciousness. He has also been involved in computer science and has developed software that has been used in a variety of industries.

Vallee Today

Today, Vallee continues to be an influential figure in the fields of ufology and paranormal research. He is still actively researching and writing on the subjects that have fascinated him for decades. While he may not be a household name, his work has had a profound impact on those who take the time to explore the mysteries of the universe.

The Best Kept Secret

Despite his many accomplishments, Jacques Vallee remains something of a mystery. He is not well-known outside of certain circles, and even those who are familiar with his work may not fully understand the scope of his contributions. However, for those who are willing to delve into his writings and ideas, Vallee is a true treasure – a brilliant mind who has explored some of the most fascinating and mysterious phenomena in the world.

The Legacy of Jacques Vallee

Jacques Vallee's work has had a lasting impact on the field of ufology and paranormal research. His ideas about the control system and the nature of the UFO phenomenon have challenged traditional assumptions and opened up new avenues of inquiry. His classification system for close encounters has become a standard tool for researchers in the field.

Perhaps most importantly, Vallee's work has encouraged others to think outside the box and explore the mysteries of the universe with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. His legacy will continue to inspire and inform future generations of researchers and explorers.

The Best Kept Secret: Jacques Vallee

Jacques Vallee is a name that may not be familiar to many, but his contributions to the fields of computer science, astronomy, and paranormal research have had a significant impact on modern science. His work on the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial hypotheses has challenged traditional beliefs and opened up new avenues for scientific investigation into unexplained phenomena. In this article, we will explore the life and work of Jacques Vallee, revealing what makes him one of the best-kept secrets in modern science.

Early Life and Career of Jacques Vallee

Jacques Vallee was born in France in 1939 and showed an early interest in science and technology. He attended the Sorbonne in Paris, where he earned a Masters in Astrophysics and a Ph.D. in Computer Science. His dissertation on computer networks was groundbreaking, as it was one of the earliest works on the topic. He went on to work as a computer scientist in the United States, where he contributed to the development of some of the first computer networks.

Vallee's Contributions to Computer Science and Astronomy

Vallee's work in computer science and astronomy set the stage for his later investigations into the paranormal and unexplained phenomena. He was instrumental in developing the first computer networks, and his research into the structure of the universe led him to conclude that there was more to reality than what could be explained by traditional scientific methods. His interest in the paranormal and spiritual grew out of his observations that there were phenomena occurring that could not be explained by current scientific theories.

The UFO Phenomenon and Vallee's Research

Vallee's interest in the paranormal and unexplained led him to investigate the UFO phenomenon, which was gaining popularity in the 1960s and 70s. He was one of the first researchers to explore the topic from a scientific perspective, and his investigations brought him into contact with many of the key players in the field. He cataloged thousands of UFO sightings and analyzed them using statistical methods, concluding that there was a real phenomenon occurring that could not be explained by traditional scientific theories.

Vallee's Critique of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

Vallee's research into the UFO phenomenon led him to question the prevailing belief that the sightings were caused by extraterrestrial visitors. He argued that there was no evidence to support this hypothesis and that the phenomenon was much more complex than a simple visitation from another planet. He proposed that the UFO phenomenon was a form of communication, and that the entities behind it were attempting to convey a message to humanity.

Vallee's Work with the Stanford Research Institute

Vallee's investigations into the paranormal and unexplained phenomena caught the attention of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), a leading research organization in the United States. He worked with SRI for many years, conducting research into remote viewing, psychic phenomena, and other unexplained phenomena. His work with SRI helped to establish the scientific study of these phenomena, paving the way for future investigations into the unknown.

Vallee's Investigations into the Paranormal and Spiritual

Vallee's interest in the paranormal and spiritual led him to investigate a wide range of phenomena, including psychic powers, spiritualism, and mystical experiences. He believed that these phenomena were related to the UFO phenomenon, and that they all pointed to a deeper reality beyond what we can perceive with our senses. He wrote extensively on these topics, and his work has influenced many researchers in the field of parapsychology.

Vallee's Collaboration with Steven Spielberg on Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Vallee's work on the UFO phenomenon caught the attention of filmmaker Steven Spielberg, who was working on a film about alien encounters. Spielberg consulted with Vallee during the development of the film, and Vallee's ideas helped to shape the story and characters. Close Encounters of the Third Kind became a classic of science fiction cinema, and Vallee's contributions helped to make it a more thoughtful and nuanced portrayal of the UFO phenomenon.

Vallee's Books and Publications on UFOs and Parapsychology

Vallee has written extensively on the topics of UFOs and parapsychology, publishing over a dozen books on these subjects. His works include Passport to Magonia, Dimensions, and The Invisible College, all of which have become classics in the field. He has also published numerous articles and papers on these topics, contributing to the scientific study of unexplained phenomena.

Vallee's Influence on the Scientific Study of Unexplained Phenomena

Vallee's work has had a significant impact on the scientific study of unexplained phenomena, challenging traditional beliefs and opening up new avenues for investigation. He has been instrumental in establishing the scientific study of the paranormal and spiritual, helping to legitimize these areas of research. His critiques of the extraterrestrial hypothesis have forced researchers to think more critically about the UFO phenomenon, and his work on remote viewing and psychic phenomena has helped to establish these areas of research as legitimate fields of study.

The Legacy of Jacques Vallee and his Impact on Modern Science

Jacques Vallee may not be a household name, but his contributions to modern science have been significant. His work on the UFO phenomenon, parapsychology, and computer science has challenged traditional beliefs and opened up new avenues for scientific investigation. He has influenced generations of researchers in these fields, and his legacy continues to shape the way we think about the unknown. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, Jacques Vallee's ideas and insights will remain an important part of our scientific heritage.

The Best Kept Secret by Jacques Vallee: A Point of View


The Best Kept Secret by Jacques Vallee is a compelling book that delves into the world of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAPs) and their implications for humanity. Vallee, a renowned UFO researcher, presents a thought-provoking case for why UAPs should not be dismissed as mere figments of human imagination or misidentifications of natural phenomena.


  • Vallee provides a comprehensive overview of the history of UAP sightings, highlighting the most significant cases and the patterns that emerge from them.
  • He presents a compelling argument that UAPs are not solely physical in nature but may have a psychological, spiritual, or even paranormal component.
  • Vallee draws upon his extensive experience in the field to offer unique insights into the challenges of researching UAPs and the potential implications of their existence.


  • Some readers may find Vallee's theories about the nature of UAPs too speculative or lacking in scientific rigor.
  • Vallee's writing style can be dense and academic, making the book challenging to read for some audiences.
  • While Vallee acknowledges the possibility of hoaxes and misidentifications, he tends to dismiss these explanations too quickly in favor of more exotic theories.

Table Comparison

Keywords The Best Kept Secret by Jacques Vallee
UAPs Vallee argues that UAPs are a real phenomenon that cannot be explained away by natural or man-made causes alone.
Psychological Vallee suggests that UAPs may have a psychological or even spiritual component that is often overlooked by researchers.
Paranormal Vallee speculates that UAPs may be linked to paranormal phenomena such as telepathy or precognition.
Research Vallee draws upon his extensive experience in the field of UFO research to offer unique insights into the challenges of investigating UAPs.
Skepticism Vallee acknowledges the importance of skepticism in UFO research but argues that it should not be used as an excuse to dismiss valid evidence.
In conclusion, The Best Kept Secret by Jacques Vallee is a fascinating book that offers a unique perspective on the world of UAPs. While some readers may find Vallee's theories too speculative or lacking in scientific rigor, others will appreciate his willingness to explore the more exotic possibilities surrounding this mysterious phenomenon. Regardless of one's stance on UAPs, Vallee's insights into the challenges of researching them are valuable for anyone interested in the intersection of science and the unexplained.

The Best Kept Secret: Jacques Vallee

Dear Blog Visitors,

If you are a UFO enthusiast, then you must have heard of Jacques Vallee. He is a computer scientist, venture capitalist, and author who has spent his life studying the phenomenon of UFOs. However, despite his contributions to the field, his work remains largely unknown to the general public.

Vallee's journey into the world of UFOs began in the 1960s when he was working as a computer scientist. At that time, he was also studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. Unlike many other researchers in the field, Vallee approached the study of UFOs from a scientific perspective. He believed that the phenomenon could not be explained by conventional means and that it deserved serious scientific attention.

Vallee's first book on the subject, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, published in 1965, was a groundbreaking work that challenged the prevailing ideas about UFOs. In the book, Vallee argued that UFO sightings were not isolated events but part of a larger phenomenon that needed to be studied in its entirety. He also suggested that there might be a connection between UFOs and other paranormal phenomena such as psychic experiences and poltergeist activity.

Vallee's next book, Passport to Magonia, published in 1969, was even more controversial. In this book, Vallee proposed that UFOs were not extraterrestrial in origin but were instead part of a long history of mystical and supernatural experiences. He argued that UFO sightings had been reported throughout history and that they were often associated with strange beings and unusual events.

Vallee's ideas were not well-received by the UFO community, which was focused on the extraterrestrial hypothesis. However, Vallee continued his research and published several more books on the subject, including Dimensions (1988) and Revelations (1991).

One of Vallee's most significant contributions to the field was his work on the UFO abduction phenomenon. In the 1980s, he began investigating reports of people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Instead of dismissing these claims as hoaxes or hallucinations, Vallee approached them as a legitimate scientific problem. He conducted interviews with abductees and analyzed their stories in detail.

Vallee's research led him to propose a new theory about the abduction phenomenon. He suggested that the experiences reported by abductees were not necessarily literal events but might instead be psychological or symbolic in nature. He proposed that the experiences might be related to changes in consciousness and that they might be linked to other paranormal phenomena.

Vallee's work on the UFO abduction phenomenon was groundbreaking and challenged many of the assumptions held by the UFO community. His ideas were not always well-received, but they opened up new avenues of research and helped to expand our understanding of the phenomenon.

Despite his contributions to the field, Vallee remains relatively unknown outside of UFO circles. This is partly due to the controversial nature of his ideas and partly due to his reluctance to engage with the media. However, his work continues to influence researchers in the field and has inspired a new generation of UFO enthusiasts.

If you are interested in learning more about Jacques Vallee and his work, I encourage you to read some of his books. While his ideas may challenge your beliefs about UFOs, they will undoubtedly broaden your perspective and deepen your understanding of this fascinating phenomenon.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you found this article informative.


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People Also Ask About the Best Kept Secret Jacques Vallee

Who is Jacques Vallee?

Jacques Vallee is a computer scientist, venture capitalist, and author who has been studying the UFO phenomenon for more than five decades. He is considered to be one of the most influential researchers in the field of ufology and has written several books on the subject.

What is the Best Kept Secret?

The Best Kept Secret is a book written by Jacques Vallee that explores the history of the UFO phenomenon and the government's role in investigating it. The book provides a detailed analysis of the evidence surrounding UFO sightings and offers a unique perspective on the topic.

What is the main idea of the Best Kept Secret?

The main idea of the Best Kept Secret is that the UFO phenomenon is not what it seems. Vallee argues that there is a deeper, more complex reality behind the sightings, and that the government has been aware of this reality for years. He suggests that the government has been engaging in a cover-up of the true nature of UFOs, and that this cover-up has been going on for decades.

What makes Jacques Vallee's work unique?

Jacques Vallee's work is unique because he approaches the UFO phenomenon from a scientific perspective. He uses his background in computer science to analyze the data surrounding UFO sightings and to identify patterns and trends. Additionally, Vallee is not afraid to challenge the mainstream narrative surrounding UFOs and to propose alternative explanations for the phenomenon.

What impact has Jacques Vallee had on the field of ufology?

Jacques Vallee has had a significant impact on the field of ufology. His research has challenged the mainstream narrative surrounding UFOs and has helped to broaden the discussion of the phenomenon. Additionally, his work has inspired other researchers to take a more scientific approach to the study of UFOs, which has led to a greater understanding of the issue.

  • Jacques Vallee is a computer scientist, venture capitalist, and author who has been studying the UFO phenomenon for more than five decades.
  • The Best Kept Secret is a book written by Jacques Vallee that explores the history of the UFO phenomenon and the government's role in investigating it.
  • The main idea of the Best Kept Secret is that the UFO phenomenon is not what it seems.
  • Jacques Vallee's work is unique because he approaches the UFO phenomenon from a scientific perspective.
  • Jacques Vallee has had a significant impact on the field of ufology.