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Discover the Top Locations to Efficiently Farm Wizards in Destiny: The Best Spots for Boosting Spellcasting Skills!

Discover the Top Locations to Efficiently Farm Wizards in Destiny: The Best Spots for Boosting Spellcasting Skills!

Looking for the best place to farm wizards in Destiny? Check out the Chamber of Night on the moon for a high spawn rate and easy farming.

Are you an avid player of Wizards Destiny searching for the best place to farm wizards? Look no further! In this article, we will reveal the ultimate spot where you can level up your wizard, acquire valuable loot, and secure your position as one of the top players in the game. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie, this guide is for you.

To start with, let's talk about the importance of farming wizards. As you progress through the game, you'll realize that leveling up your wizard is crucial to unlocking powerful spells and abilities. The higher your wizard's level, the more devastating their attacks become. Additionally, farming wizards is an excellent way to acquire gear and equipment that can improve your wizard's stats and overall performance.

Now, without further ado, the best place to farm wizards in Wizards Destiny is the Tower of the Undead. This location is ideal for farming wizards because it offers a variety of enemies with different levels of difficulty, providing a comprehensive training ground for your wizard. You'll encounter Skeletons, Zombies, and other types of undead creatures that will put your skills to the test.

The first few floors of the Tower of the Undead are relatively easy, making them perfect for low-level wizards. As you progress through the tower, the enemies become stronger and more challenging, requiring you to use all of your wizard's abilities and tactics to defeat them. The tower also has multiple levels, allowing you to farm wizards at your own pace and advance when you feel ready.

Another advantage of the Tower of the Undead is the loot. As you defeat the undead creatures, they drop valuable items such as weapons, armor, and potions that can boost your wizard's stats and abilities. Additionally, the tower has several chests containing rare and powerful items that can give you a significant advantage over other players.

One thing to keep in mind is that farming wizards in the Tower of the Undead can be dangerous. The enemies are relentless, and if you're not careful, they can overwhelm you quickly. It's essential to come prepared with the right gear, equipment, and spells to ensure your survival.

If you're looking for a challenge, the Tower of the Undead is also home to several bosses that offer unique and powerful rewards. These bosses are incredibly tough and require a group of skilled players to defeat. However, the rewards are well worth the effort, as they can provide a significant boost to your wizard's stats and abilities.

Overall, the Tower of the Undead is the best place to farm wizards in Wizards Destiny. It offers a challenging and rewarding experience that will help you level up your wizard, acquire valuable loot, and become one of the top players in the game. So grab your gear, gather your friends, and head to the Tower of the Undead to start your farming adventure!


Wizards are the most powerful class in Destiny, and they are a force to be reckoned with. If you want to level up your wizard quickly, you need to find the best place to farm wizards in Destiny. In this article, we will explore some of the best places to farm wizards in Destiny and how to do it effectively.

The Summoning Pits Strike

The Summoning Pits strike is one of the best places to farm wizards in Destiny. This strike can be found on the Moon and is available to players who have completed the main story campaign. The wizard in this strike is Phogoth, and he is a tough opponent to beat. However, if you can defeat him, you will get a lot of experience points and loot.

How to Farm Wizards in The Summoning Pits Strike

To farm wizards in The Summoning Pits strike, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Start the strike by selecting it from the Director
  2. Make your way through the strike until you reach the boss room
  3. Kill all the adds in the room except for the wizards
  4. Use grenades and heavy weapons to take down the wizards quickly
  5. Once you have killed the wizards, let the rest of the adds kill you
  6. Respawn and repeat the process until you have farmed enough wizards

The Dark Beyond Mission

The Dark Beyond mission on the Moon is another great place to farm wizards in Destiny. This mission can be found on the Moon and is available to players who have completed the main story campaign. The wizard in this mission is called Sardon, and he is a tough opponent to beat. However, if you can defeat him, you will get a lot of experience points and loot.

How to Farm Wizards in The Dark Beyond Mission

To farm wizards in The Dark Beyond mission, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Start the mission by selecting it from the Director
  2. Make your way through the mission until you reach the part where the Hive are coming out of the ground
  3. Kill all the adds in the area except for the wizards
  4. Use grenades and heavy weapons to take down the wizards quickly
  5. Once you have killed the wizards, let the rest of the adds kill you
  6. Respawn and repeat the process until you have farmed enough wizards

The Chamber of Night Mission

The Chamber of Night mission on the Moon is another great place to farm wizards in Destiny. This mission can be found on the Moon and is available to players who have completed the main story campaign. The wizard in this mission is called the Fist of Crota, and he is a tough opponent to beat. However, if you can defeat him, you will get a lot of experience points and loot.

How to Farm Wizards in The Chamber of Night Mission

To farm wizards in The Chamber of Night mission, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Start the mission by selecting it from the Director
  2. Make your way through the mission until you reach the part where the Fist of Crota appears
  3. Kill all the adds in the area except for the wizards
  4. Use grenades and heavy weapons to take down the wizards quickly
  5. Once you have killed the wizards, let the rest of the adds kill you
  6. Respawn and repeat the process until you have farmed enough wizards

The Shrine of Oryx Mission

The Shrine of Oryx mission on the Moon is another great place to farm wizards in Destiny. This mission can be found on the Moon and is available to players who have completed the main story campaign. The wizard in this mission is called the Shrine of Oryx, and he is a tough opponent to beat. However, if you can defeat him, you will get a lot of experience points and loot.

How to Farm Wizards in The Shrine of Oryx Mission

To farm wizards in The Shrine of Oryx mission, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Start the mission by selecting it from the Director
  2. Make your way through the mission until you reach the part where the Shrine of Oryx appears
  3. Kill all the adds in the area except for the wizards
  4. Use grenades and heavy weapons to take down the wizards quickly
  5. Once you have killed the wizards, let the rest of the adds kill you
  6. Respawn and repeat the process until you have farmed enough wizards

The Summoning Ritual Adventure

The Summoning Ritual adventure on Io is another great place to farm wizards in Destiny 2. This adventure can be found on Io and is available to players who have completed the main story campaign. The wizard in this adventure is called the Taken Wizard, and he is a tough opponent to beat. However, if you can defeat him, you will get a lot of experience points and loot.

How to Farm Wizards in The Summoning Ritual Adventure

To farm wizards in The Summoning Ritual adventure, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Start the adventure by selecting it from the Director
  2. Make your way through the adventure until you reach the part where the Taken Wizard appears
  3. Kill all the adds in the area except for the wizards
  4. Use grenades and heavy weapons to take down the wizards quickly
  5. Once you have killed the wizards, let the rest of the adds kill you
  6. Respawn and repeat the process until you have farmed enough wizards


Farming wizards in Destiny is an effective way to level up your wizard quickly. There are many places to farm wizards in Destiny, but some of the best places include The Summoning Pits strike, The Dark Beyond mission, The Chamber of Night mission, The Shrine of Oryx mission, and The Summoning Ritual adventure. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily farm wizards and level up your wizard in no time.

Introduction to Farming Wizards Destiny

Farming in Wizards Destiny is an essential aspect of the game that enables players to acquire valuable resources, such as gold, experience points, magical items, and other rare materials. In the game, players can farm by defeating enemies, completing quests, and exploring different locations. However, not all farming locations are equal, and choosing the right location can make a significant difference in your overall farming experience. In this article, we will discuss the best places to farm in Wizards Destiny, including factors to consider when choosing a location, farming strategies and techniques, and equipment and resources required for optimal farming.

Understanding the Importance of Farming for Wizards Destiny

Farming in Wizards Destiny is crucial to progress in the game and become a powerful wizard. By farming, players can earn gold to purchase better equipment, experience points to level up their characters, and rare materials to craft powerful spells and magical items. Additionally, farming is an excellent way to explore different areas of the game, discover new quests, and encounter unique enemies. Therefore, understanding the importance of farming and choosing the right location is vital to maximize your rewards and progress in the game.

Factors to Consider While Choosing a Farming Location

When choosing a farming location in Wizards Destiny, several factors should be considered to ensure optimal results. Some of these factors include:

Enemy Difficulty

The difficulty of the enemies in a farming location is a crucial factor to consider. High-level enemies may provide significant rewards, but they may also be challenging to defeat. Therefore, it is essential to choose a location with enemies that match your character's level and capabilities.

Resource Availability

The availability of resources, such as gold, experience points, and magical items, is another critical factor to consider. Some locations may provide more gold, while others may provide more experience points or rare materials. Therefore, it is essential to choose a location that provides the resources you need the most.


The accessibility of a farming location is also a crucial factor to consider. Some locations may be difficult to reach, requiring players to complete challenging quests or travel through dangerous areas. Therefore, it is essential to choose a location that is easily accessible and does not require too much time or effort to reach.

Best Farming Locations for Wizards Destiny

Now that we have discussed the factors to consider when choosing a farming location let's explore some of the best places to farm in Wizards Destiny.

The Grotto of Despair

The Grotto of Despair is an excellent place to farm for gold and magical items. Located in the Dark Forest, this location features enemies that drop valuable loot, including rare magical items, potions, and gold. Additionally, the Grotto of Despair has several hidden areas that contain treasure chests and other valuable items. However, the enemies in this location can be quite challenging, so players should ensure they are adequately prepared before venturing into the Grotto of Despair.

The Tower of Sorcery

The Tower of Sorcery is an excellent place to farm for experience points and magical items. Located in the heart of the Enchanted Forest, this location features enemies that provide significant experience points and drop rare magical items. Additionally, the Tower of Sorcery has several levels, each with unique enemies and challenges. Therefore, players can farm in this location for an extended period without getting bored.

The Caverns of Darkness

The Caverns of Darkness is an excellent place to farm for rare materials and magical items. Located deep underground, this location features enemies that drop valuable resources, such as rare gems, crystals, and magical items. Additionally, the Caverns of Darkness has several hidden areas that contain treasure chests and other valuable items. However, the enemies in this location can be quite challenging, so players should ensure they are adequately prepared before venturing into the Caverns of Darkness.

Benefits of Farming at Popular Locations

Farming at popular locations in Wizards Destiny has several benefits, including:

Better Rewards

Popular farming locations tend to provide better rewards, such as more gold, experience points, and rare materials. Additionally, popular locations often have unique enemies and challenges, providing a more exciting and engaging farming experience.

Community Support

Farming at popular locations can also provide community support, as many players may be farming at the same location. Therefore, players can team up with others to defeat enemies and complete quests, improving their overall farming efficiency.

Increased Competition

Farming at popular locations can also increase competition, as many players may be farming for the same resources. Therefore, players must be adequately prepared and utilize effective farming strategies to maximize their rewards.

Farming Strategies and Techniques for Wizards Destiny

To optimize your farming experience in Wizards Destiny, you should utilize effective farming strategies and techniques. Some of these techniques include:

Focus on Specific Resources

Focusing on specific resources, such as gold or rare materials, can help players maximize their rewards and progress in the game. Therefore, players should choose a farming location that provides the resources they need the most and focus on farming for those resources.

Team up with Other Players

Teaming up with other players can significantly improve your farming efficiency, as multiple players can defeat enemies and complete quests faster than a single player. Therefore, players should join a guild or team up with other players to maximize their rewards.

Utilize Effective Spells and Abilities

Utilizing effective spells and abilities can help players defeat enemies faster and more efficiently. Therefore, players should experiment with different spells and abilities and choose the ones that work best for their character and playstyle.

How to Optimize Your Farming Experience

To optimize your farming experience in Wizards Destiny, you should:

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead can help players choose the right location, resources, and farming strategy. Therefore, players should research different farming locations and resources and create a plan before farming.

Upgrade Your Equipment

Upgrading your equipment, such as weapons and armor, can significantly improve your farming efficiency. Therefore, players should prioritize upgrading their equipment to maximize their rewards.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks can prevent burnout and improve your overall farming efficiency. Therefore, players should take regular breaks and engage in other activities, such as completing quests or exploring different areas of the game.

Equipment and Resources Required for Farming Wizards Destiny

To farm effectively in Wizards Destiny, players should have the following equipment and resources:

Weapons and Armor

Weapons and armor are essential for defeating enemies and surviving battles. Therefore, players should upgrade their weapons and armor to ensure they are adequately equipped for farming.

Potions and Spells

Potions and spells can help players heal themselves, boost their abilities, and defeat enemies faster. Therefore, players should stock up on potions and spells before venturing into a farming location.


Resources, such as gold and magical items, are essential for progressing in the game. Therefore, players should focus on farming for resources that will help them achieve their goals.

Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Farming Efficiency

To increase your farming efficiency in Wizards Destiny, you should:

Focus on Specific Resources

Focusing on specific resources can help players maximize their rewards and progress in the game faster.

Team up with Other Players

Teaming up with other players can significantly improve your farming efficiency, as multiple players can defeat enemies and complete quests faster than a single player.

Utilize Effective Spells and Abilities

Utilizing effective spells and abilities can help players defeat enemies faster and more efficiently.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks can prevent burnout and improve your overall farming efficiency.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Farming Location for Wizards Destiny

Farming in Wizards Destiny is an essential aspect of the game that helps players acquire valuable resources, such as gold, experience points, and rare materials. However, choosing the right farming location is crucial to maximize your rewards and progress in the game. By considering factors such as enemy difficulty, resource availability, and accessibility, players can choose the best location for their needs. Additionally, utilizing effective farming strategies and techniques, upgrading equipment, and taking breaks can significantly improve your farming efficiency. Therefore, by following these tips and choosing the right farming location, players can become powerful wizards and achieve success in Wizards Destiny.

The Best Place to Farm Wizards Destiny

Point of View

As a player of Wizards Destiny, the best place to farm for materials and items is crucial. It allows you to level up faster and progress through the game with ease. As such, my point of view is that the best place to farm for Wizards Destiny is in the Wandering Isle.


There are several benefits to farming in the Wandering Isle. Firstly, it has a high drop rate for rare materials like the Ancient Relic, which can be used to craft powerful weapons and armor. Secondly, the enemies in this area are relatively easy to defeat, making it ideal for beginners or players who want to level up quickly. Lastly, the Wandering Isle has a variety of resources like herbs, ores, and gems that can be sold for a high price in the market.


However, there are also some drawbacks to farming in the Wandering Isle. Firstly, it can get crowded with other players, making it difficult to farm efficiently. Secondly, some of the resources like the Ancient Relic have a low drop rate, which means you may need to spend more time farming to get the desired item. Lastly, the enemies in this area may not drop as much gold or experience points as other areas in the game.

Table Comparison or Information

Area Pros Cons
Wandering Isle
  • High drop rate for rare materials
  • Easy enemies to defeat
  • Has a variety of resources
  • Can get crowded
  • Low drop rate for some resources
  • Enemies may not drop as much gold or experience points
Dark Forest
  • Has a high drop rate for rare herbs
  • Enemies drop a lot of gold
  • Good for players who want a challenge
  • Difficult enemies to defeat
  • Not ideal for beginners
  • May require better gear or weapons
Goblin Mines
  • High drop rate for rare ores and gems
  • Enemies drop a lot of experience points
  • Good for players who want to level up quickly
  • Can be dangerous due to traps and explosives
  • May require a party or group to farm efficiently
  • Not ideal for players who want to farm for gold

In conclusion, the best place to farm for Wizards Destiny depends on your preferences and goals. The Wandering Isle is a good option for players who want to farm for rare materials and level up quickly, but it may not be ideal for those who want to farm for gold or experience points. As such, it's important to consider the pros and cons of each area before deciding where to farm.

The Best Place to Farm Wizards in Destiny

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best place to farm wizards in Destiny. We hope that you found the information provided helpful and informative, and that it has helped you to improve your gameplay experience.

As we have discussed throughout this article, there are a few different locations in Destiny where you can find and farm wizards. Some of these locations are better than others, depending on what you are looking for in terms of difficulty level, loot drops, and overall gaming experience.

If you are looking for a challenging location to farm wizards, then we recommend the Temple of Crota on the Moon. This location is known for being one of the most difficult areas in the game, and is home to a large number of powerful wizards that offer a great challenge for even the most experienced players.

However, if you are looking for an easier location to farm wizards, then we recommend the Chamber of Night on the Moon. This area is home to a smaller number of wizards, but they are still challenging enough to provide a fun and engaging experience without being too overwhelming.

One of the benefits of farming wizards in Destiny is the loot drops that you can receive. Wizards have a chance to drop rare and legendary items, which can be valuable for improving your character's stats and abilities. Additionally, wizards can drop engrams, which can be decrypted to provide even more powerful gear.

Another factor to consider when choosing a location to farm wizards is the overall gaming experience. Some players may prefer a more open and expansive environment, while others may enjoy a more enclosed and claustrophobic setting. The Temple of Crota offers a dark and ominous atmosphere, while the Chamber of Night is more open and spacious.

Ultimately, the best place to farm wizards in Destiny will depend on your personal preferences and gaming style. We recommend trying out a few different locations to see which one you enjoy the most, and which provides the most valuable loot drops for your character.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with some insight into the best places to farm wizards in Destiny. Whether you are a seasoned player or just starting out, farming wizards can be a fun and rewarding experience that can help you to improve your gameplay and character stats. So grab your weapons and get ready to take on some powerful wizards!

People Also Ask About Best Place to Farm Wizards in Destiny

What are Wizards in Destiny?

Wizards are a type of enemy in the game Destiny. They are one of the most challenging enemies to defeat and can cause significant damage to players.

Why do Players Farm Wizards in Destiny?

Players farm wizards in Destiny because they drop valuable loot, including legendary and exotic items. These items can help players improve their gear and become more powerful.

Where is the Best Place to Farm Wizards in Destiny?

The best place to farm wizards in Destiny is the Chamber of Night mission on the Moon. This mission has a high number of wizards that spawn in a small area, making it easy for players to defeat them quickly and efficiently.

  • Start the Chamber of Night mission on the Moon.
  • Make your way through the mission until you reach the part where you have to destroy the three shrines.
  • Once you have destroyed the third shrine, a group of wizards will spawn.
  • Defeat the wizards and then die or restart the mission to respawn them.
  • Repeat the process until you have farmed enough wizards to get the loot you need.

Are There Any Other Places to Farm Wizards in Destiny?

Yes, there are other places to farm wizards in Destiny, but the Chamber of Night mission is the most efficient. Other places include:

  1. The Shrine of Oryx mission on the Moon.
  2. The Dark Beyond mission on the Moon.
  3. The Siege of the Warmind mission on Earth.

However, these missions have fewer wizards and are not as efficient for farming as the Chamber of Night mission.


The Chamber of Night mission on the Moon is the best place to farm wizards in Destiny. It has a high number of wizards that spawn in a small area, making it easy to defeat them quickly and efficiently. Other places to farm wizards include the Shrine of Oryx and Dark Beyond missions on the Moon and the Siege of the Warmind mission on Earth. However, these missions are not as efficient for farming as the Chamber of Night mission.