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May the Best Thief Prevail in Oblivion: Unleash Your Stealth Skills in this Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

May the Best Thief Prevail in Oblivion: Unleash Your Stealth Skills in this Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

Join the ultimate heist in Oblivion and compete against fellow thieves to see who is the best. May the most skilled thief come out on top!

May the best thief win Oblivion! This is the challenge thrown down by one of the most popular games ever created for the gaming community. The game, Oblivion, is an open-world action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released on March 20, 2006, for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360. Set within the fictional province of Cyrodiil, the central plot focuses on the player character's efforts to thwart a fanatical cult that plans to open the gates to a realm called Oblivion.

With its immersive gameplay, engaging storyline, and vast open world, Oblivion has become a cult classic among gamers worldwide. However, what sets this game apart from others is its unique approach to thievery. In Oblivion, players can choose to play as a master thief, stealing from unsuspecting citizens, or as an honorable warrior, fighting for justice and protecting the innocent. But no matter which path you choose, the game offers endless opportunities for adventure and excitement.

If you're looking for a challenge, then Oblivion is the game for you. From the moment you step into the world of Cyrodiil, you'll be faced with difficult choices and dangerous enemies. But don't worry; you won't be alone on your quest. Throughout the game, you'll meet a host of colorful characters, each with their own unique backstory and personality. Some will help you on your journey, while others will try to hinder your progress.

One of the most exciting aspects of Oblivion is its thievery system. As a thief, you'll have the opportunity to break into houses, rummage through chests, and pickpocket unsuspecting victims. But be careful; if you're caught, you'll have to face the consequences of your actions. Guards will chase you down, and your reputation will suffer. But if you're skilled enough, you may be able to pull off the heist of a lifetime and become the most infamous thief in all of Cyrodiil.

Of course, becoming a master thief isn't easy. It takes skill, patience, and a bit of luck. That's where the Thieves Guild comes in. The Thieves Guild is a secret organization of thieves that operates throughout Cyrodiil. As a member of the guild, you'll have access to specialized training and equipment that will help you hone your thieving skills. But joining the guild isn't easy; you'll have to prove your worth by completing a series of challenging quests.

If you're more interested in combat than thievery, then Oblivion has plenty to offer as well. As a warrior, you'll be able to choose from a wide range of weapons and armor, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Whether you prefer a two-handed sword or a bow and arrow, there's a playstyle to suit every player.

But what really sets Oblivion apart is its open-world gameplay. Unlike other games where you're limited to a set path, Oblivion allows you to explore the world at your own pace. You can wander through the forests, climb mountains, and swim through rivers, all while encountering a variety of creatures and enemies.

As you explore the world of Oblivion, you'll encounter a host of side-quests and hidden treasures. These quests range from simple fetch quests to complex puzzles and challenges. And the rewards for completing them are often worth the effort. You may discover a rare weapon, a powerful spell, or even a hidden dungeon filled with treasure.

But Oblivion isn't just about the main quest or the side quests; it's about the journey. It's about the experiences you have, the people you meet, and the choices you make. Whether you choose to be a thief, a warrior, or something in between, the world of Oblivion is waiting for you. So grab your sword, sharpen your skills, and may the best thief win!


Oblivion, the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls series, is a game that has captivated players since its release in 2006. With its vast open world and endless possibilities, players can choose their own paths and explore the realm of Tamriel in any way they see fit. One of the most popular activities in the game is thievery, where players can steal items and valuables from unsuspecting NPCs. In this article, we will delve into the world of thievery in Oblivion and explore the tactics and tricks that players use to become the best thief in the game.

The Basics of Thievery

Thievery in Oblivion involves sneaking around and stealing items from NPCs without getting caught. The player's success in thievery is determined by their skill level in the Sneak and Security skills, as well as their ability to think on their feet and react quickly to unexpected situations. The player must also be aware of their surroundings and the movements of the NPCs, as getting caught can result in fines or even jail time.

Sneaking Around

The first step in thievery is to master the art of sneaking. The player must move slowly and quietly, avoiding detection by the NPCs. They must also be aware of their visibility, as being seen by an NPC can result in them becoming suspicious and alerting the guards. The Sneak skill determines the player's ability to move silently and avoid detection, so it is important to level up this skill as much as possible.


Once the player has successfully snuck around and found a target, the next step is to unlock any doors or chests that are protecting the items they want to steal. This is where the Security skill comes into play, as it determines the player's ability to pick locks. The player must also be aware of any traps that may be guarding the chest or door, as triggering them can result in injury or death.

The Art of Pickpocketing

Pickpocketing is another aspect of thievery in Oblivion, where the player can steal items directly from an NPC's pockets without them even noticing. This is a more risky endeavor, as getting caught can result in the NPC becoming hostile towards the player. The player must also be aware of the weight of the item they are trying to steal, as heavy items are more difficult to pickpocket.

The Pickpocketing Skill

The success of pickpocketing is determined by the player's skill level in the Pickpocketing skill. The higher the skill level, the more items the player can steal and the less likely they are to get caught. It is important to note that pickpocketing is illegal in most areas of the game, so the player must be careful not to get caught by guards or other NPCs.

Using Magic to Aid Pickpocketing

Players can also use magic to aid their pickpocketing attempts. Spells such as Invisibility and Chameleon can make the player invisible or harder to detect, allowing them to pickpocket with ease. However, using magic can also be risky, as casting spells can alert NPCs to the player's presence.

Theft on a Grand Scale

While pickpocketing and lockpicking are effective ways of stealing items, there are other methods that players can use to steal large quantities of items at once. These methods involve stealing from entire towns or cities, and require a great deal of planning and preparation.

Breaking into Houses

The most common method of stealing from an entire town is to break into every house and steal everything of value. This requires the player to be skilled in both Sneak and Security, as they must avoid detection while picking locks on every door. The player must also be aware of any traps or alarms that may be protecting the houses, as triggering them can alert the guards.

The Art of Distraction

Another method of stealing from an entire town is to create a distraction that will draw the attention of the guards and NPCs away from the player. This can be done by starting a fight or causing a commotion in the town square, allowing the player to sneak around and steal items while everyone is distracted. However, this method is also risky, as getting caught can result in a high bounty and a chase by the guards.

Becoming the Best Thief in Oblivion

Becoming the best thief in Oblivion requires a combination of skill, strategy, and luck. The player must be able to think on their feet and adapt to unexpected situations, while also being aware of their surroundings and the movements of the NPCs. They must also be willing to take risks and try new tactics in order to succeed.

Leveling Up Thievery Skills

The first step in becoming the best thief in Oblivion is to level up the Sneak, Security, and Pickpocketing skills as much as possible. This can be done by practicing these skills regularly and completing quests that involve thievery. Players can also use trainers to level up their skills quickly, although this can be expensive.

Investing in Equipment

Investing in equipment such as lockpicks, poisons, and invisibility potions can also help players become better thieves. Lockpicks are essential for picking locks, while poisons can be used to incapacitate NPCs or make them easier to pickpocket. Invisibility potions can make the player invisible, allowing them to move around undetected.

Experimenting with Tactics

The best thieves in Oblivion are those who are willing to experiment with different tactics and strategies. Players should try new methods of thievery and see what works best for them. They should also be willing to adapt to unexpected situations and come up with new plans on the fly.


Thievery is one of the most popular activities in Oblivion, and becoming the best thief in the game requires a combination of skill, strategy, and luck. By mastering the art of sneaking, lockpicking, and pickpocketing, players can steal items and valuables from unsuspecting NPCs and become rich beyond their wildest dreams. With the right equipment and tactics, anything is possible in the world of thievery in Oblivion.

Introduction to May the Best Thief Win

In the world of Oblivion, there are many paths one can take to achieve success. Some choose to be warriors, using their strength and combat skills to conquer their enemies. Others prefer to be mages, wielding powerful spells to control the elements and manipulate reality. And then there are those who choose a more subtle approach: thievery.May the Best Thief Win is a phrase commonly used among the criminal underworld of Oblivion. It signifies a competition of sorts, where the most skilled thieves compete to see who can pull off the most impressive heists and burglaries. In this article, we will explore the basics of thievery in Oblivion, as well as offer tips and strategies for those looking to excel in this field.

The Basics of Thievery in Oblivion

Thievery in Oblivion involves stealing valuable items from NPCs (non-playable characters) without getting caught. This can include pickpocketing, lockpicking, and breaking and entering.One of the most important skills for a thief in Oblivion is Sneak. This skill determines how well you can move around undetected, making it easier to pick pockets and break into homes unnoticed. The higher your Sneak skill, the less likely you are to be detected by NPCs.Another important skill for thieves is Security. This skill governs your ability to pick locks, which is essential for breaking into homes and stealing valuable items. The higher your Security skill, the easier it will be for you to pick locks and access locked areas.

The Importance of Stealth in Thievery

Stealth is perhaps the most important aspect of thievery in Oblivion. Without the ability to move around undetected, you will find it difficult to steal anything of value. Here are some tips for improving your stealth:1. Always stay in sneak mode when you are attempting to steal something. This will make it harder for NPCs to detect you.2. Avoid wearing heavy armor or carrying heavy weapons, as this will make noise and give away your position.3. Stay in the shadows and avoid well-lit areas. This will help you remain unnoticed.4. Use cover to your advantage. Hide behind objects like walls, trees, and furniture to make it harder for NPCs to spot you.

The Art of Pickpocketing and Lockpicking

Pickpocketing and lockpicking are two essential skills for any thief in Oblivion.To pickpocket an NPC, simply approach them from behind while in sneak mode and activate the pickpocket option. You can then attempt to steal items from their inventory, such as gold, keys, and other valuable items. Be careful not to get caught, as this can result in a hefty bounty and even imprisonment.Lockpicking is another important skill for thieves. To pick a lock, approach a locked door or chest while in sneak mode and activate the lockpick option. You will then be presented with a lockpicking mini-game, where you must rotate the lockpick and apply pressure to the tumblers until the lock opens. The higher your Security skill, the easier it will be to pick locks.

Tips for Successful Heists and Burglaries

Successful heists and burglaries require careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you pull off the perfect crime:1. Scout your target beforehand. Take note of any guards, traps, or other obstacles that may hinder your progress.2. Use distractions to your advantage. For example, you can use a spell to create a loud noise and draw guards away from your target.3. Avoid killing NPCs if possible. This can result in a higher bounty and make it harder for you to move around undetected.4. Be patient. Don't rush in and try to steal everything at once. Take your time and be methodical in your approach.

Understanding the Legal Consequences of Theft

It's important to understand that theft is illegal in Oblivion, and getting caught can result in serious consequences. If you are caught stealing, you will be given a bounty based on the value of the items you stole. Guards will then attempt to arrest you, and if you resist, they may attack you.If you have a high bounty, guards will be more aggressive in their pursuit of you, and you may even be attacked on sight. Additionally, if you are caught committing a crime in front of witnesses, your reputation will suffer, making it harder for you to interact with NPCs in the future.

The Role of Sneak Attacks in Thievery

Sneak attacks can be a powerful tool for thieves in Oblivion. By attacking an NPC from behind while in sneak mode, you can deal extra damage and potentially kill them instantly. This can be useful for taking out guards or other NPCs who may pose a threat to your heist.However, it's important to note that killing NPCs will result in a higher bounty and can make it harder for you to move around undetected.

Choosing the Right Equipment for a Successful Heist

Choosing the right equipment is essential for any successful heist. Here are some items that can help you on your thieving adventures:1. Lockpicks - Essential for picking locks and accessing locked areas.2. Invisibility potions - Can make you invisible for a short period of time, making it easier to move around undetected.3. Chameleon gear - Can make you harder to detect by NPCs.4. Night-eye potions - Can improve your vision in dark areas, making it easier to see and avoid obstacles.

Strategies for Evading Guards and Witnesses

Evading guards and witnesses can be a challenge for any thief in Oblivion. Here are some strategies to help you avoid detection:1. Use the environment to your advantage. For example, you can hide in shadows or use cover to remain unnoticed.2. Move quickly and quietly. Avoid making noise or drawing attention to yourself.3. Use distractions to your advantage. For example, you can use a spell to create a loud noise and draw guards away from your location.4. Use sneak attacks to take out guards before they can sound the alarm.

The Rewards and Risks of a Life of Crime in Oblivion

While thievery can be a lucrative profession in Oblivion, it also comes with its fair share of risks. Here are some rewards and risks to consider before embarking on a life of crime:Rewards:1. Valuable loot - Thieves can steal valuable items that can be sold for a high profit.2. Skill advancement - Thievery skills like Sneak, Security, and Acrobatics can be improved through regular practice.Risks:1. Legal consequences - Theft is illegal in Oblivion, and getting caught can result in hefty bounties and even imprisonment.2. Reputation damage - If you are caught committing a crime in front of witnesses, your reputation will suffer, making it harder to interact with NPCs in the future.3. Increased difficulty - As your bounty increases, guards will be more aggressive in their pursuit of you, making it harder to move around undetected.In conclusion, thievery in Oblivion can be a challenging but rewarding profession for those with the skills and determination to succeed. By following these tips and strategies, you can become the best thief in the land and earn a fortune in valuable loot. However, be prepared for the risks that come with a life of crime, and always be careful not to get caught. May the best thief win!

May the Best Thief Win Oblivion: A Point of View


May the Best Thief Win is a popular quest in the video game Oblivion. It involves a competition between the player and another thief to see who can steal the most valuable items from a wealthy nobleman's mansion. In this article, we will examine the pros and cons of this quest and provide a comparison of key aspects.

Pros of May the Best Thief Win Oblivion

- Fun and engaging gameplay: The quest is a great way to showcase your skills as a thief and provides an enjoyable experience for players.- Rewards: Completing the quest can lead to valuable loot and increase your reputation as a master thief.- Replayability: The quest can be replayed multiple times with different outcomes, making it a fresh and exciting experience each time.

Cons of May the Best Thief Win Oblivion

- Unoriginal concept: The idea of a thief competition has been done before in other games and media, making it less unique.- Difficulty: The quest can be challenging for players who are not skilled at thievery or who are new to the game.- Ethical concerns: Some players may feel uncomfortable stealing from innocent NPCs, which could affect their enjoyment of the quest.

Table Comparison of Key Aspects

Aspect Pros Cons
Gameplay Fun and engaging Unoriginal concept
Rewards Valuable loot and reputation boost N/A
Replayability Fresh and exciting each time N/A
Difficulty Challenging for skilled players Difficult for new players
Ethics N/A Some players may feel uncomfortable stealing from innocent NPCs


May the Best Thief Win Oblivion is a quest that offers an enjoyable and challenging experience for players. While it may not be the most original concept, it provides rewards and replayability that make it worth playing. However, ethical concerns and difficulty may deter some players from fully enjoying the quest. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and playstyle.

May the Best Thief Win: A Guide to Oblivion's Sneak Skill

Welcome, fellow adventurers! Are you looking to hone your pickpocketing skills or simply wanting to slip past enemy lines unseen? Look no further than Oblivion's sneak skill. With a little practice and some essential tips, you'll soon become a master thief in no time.

First things first, let's talk about the basics. Sneaking is all about moving quietly and remaining undetected. You can activate sneak mode by pressing the control key (or your console's equivalent) and crouch down to move slower and quieter. Keep an eye on the meter in the bottom right corner of your screen; the less visible it is, the less likely enemies are to detect you.

But sneaking is more than just moving quietly. It's also about using your surroundings to your advantage. Use cover like rocks, bushes, or walls to hide from enemy sightlines. If you're spotted, retreat behind cover and wait for the alarm to die down before trying again.

One essential tool for any aspiring thief is the chameleon spell. This illusion spell makes you invisible to enemies, giving you free reign to loot and sneak past with ease. Make sure to invest in this spell early in your gameplay and keep it at the ready.

Another important factor in sneaking is your equipment. Light armor is essential for staying agile and quiet. The heavier the armor, the louder your footsteps will be, making it harder to remain undetected. Invest in boots with a muffle enchantment to silence your footsteps and make sneaking easier.

When it comes to pickpocketing, timing is everything. Wait until your target is distracted, either by talking to someone or engaging in combat. Then, approach from behind and press the activate button to initiate the pickpocketing process. Keep an eye on the chance of success meter; the higher the percentage, the more likely you are to successfully steal something.

But be warned, pickpocketing can have consequences. If caught, you may face a fine or even imprisonment. Make sure to save often and only steal from those who won't be missed.

Lockpicking is another essential skill for any thief. Keep a supply of lockpicks on hand and approach any locked doors or chests with caution. Watch for the sweet spot in the lockpick mini-game and use it to unlock the object without setting off any alarms.

And finally, don't forget to invest in your sneak skills through practice and training. The more you sneak, the better you'll become. Visit the Thieves Guild in the Imperial City to receive quests that will help hone your skills and earn some extra coin along the way.

So there you have it, fellow adventurers. With these tips and tricks, you're well on your way to becoming the best thief in all of Oblivion. Remember, the key to successful sneaking is patience, practice, and knowing when to strike. May the best thief win!

People Also Ask About May the Best Thief Win Oblivion

What is May the Best Thief Win Oblivion?

May the Best Thief Win is a quest in the video game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It is a Thieves Guild quest that requires the player to compete against other thieves in a heist to steal a valuable item.

Where do I start the May the Best Thief Win quest?

The quest can be obtained from S'Krivva, the Thieves Guild fence in Bravil. She will give the player the details of the heist and provide them with a map of the target location.

What are the objectives of the May the Best Thief Win quest?

The objective of the quest is to steal a valuable item from a heavily guarded location. The player must compete against other thieves to see who can steal the item first. The player must also avoid detection by guards and traps while making their way through the location.

What are the rewards for completing the May the Best Thief Win quest?

The reward for completing the quest includes an increase in the player's Thieves Guild rank and access to new quests. The player may also keep the valuable item they stole, which can be sold for a high price.

Can the player fail the May the Best Thief Win quest?

Yes, the player can fail the quest if they are detected by guards or trigger any traps. If another thief steals the valuable item before the player does, the quest will also fail.

Is the May the Best Thief Win quest required to complete the Thieves Guild questline?

No, the quest is not required to complete the Thieves Guild questline. However, completing the quest will provide the player with additional rewards and increase their reputation within the guild.

Can the May the Best Thief Win quest be replayed?

No, the quest can only be completed once per playthrough. However, the player can choose to not complete the quest or fail it in order to try again on a subsequent playthrough.